Iowa Martins in Albania

Friday, November 02, 2007

Why is Amsterdam great?

What is so great about Amsterdam?
Everything is clean. One of the biggest annoyances in Kazakhstan is the amount of trash people throw and leave without a thought. sometimes, if I am walking behind someone, or if they are walking toward me, and I see them drop the wrapper of an ice cream stick, I will pick it up and give it to them and say, “excuse me, you dropped this.” I don’t say if like I am judging that behaviour to be inappropriate, but as if they dropped it by accident. So far, everyone has mumbled a brief statement of appreciation and stuffed it in a pocket. I walk away without comment. It’s very possible that they simply throw it again when I leave.

Bikes are everywhere here. People have cool contraptions to have up to three kids on a bike and it doesn’t seem that they are in danger. I see little kids of 2 climbing up all by themselves to get into the back seat, and then a slightly bigger kid climbs into the seat between the little kid and the mother. They also have big tub-like things in the FRONT of the bikes where the kids can ride.
Probably the greatest thing about Amsterdam is the shopkeepers. In shops, people are pleasant and WANT to help. They are knowledgeable and if they DON’T know something, they are eager to find out. I am so impressed by this probably because most of the shopkeepers in Almaty are grouchy, grumpy, mean, unwilling and unable to help.


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