Iowa Martins in Albania

Sunday, January 11, 2009

January 7, 2009 down our self-constructed hill.


Swinging and having a grand time.

Sledding on the way home from school. January 6.

Friday, January 09, 2009

sledding on January 7

The lineup: Maxim, Oskar, Ablai, and Erasil

We've had some great snow lately. We made a big pile of snow in our yard. Maybe after we get another snow fall, we will make an igloo like we did last year. On the 7th of January, we had a day off from school in honor of the day of Russian Orthodox Christmas. In the afternoon, the boys had fun with the neighbor boys on the artificial hill and the swing set.

Oskar loves his tounge.

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Sledding near the river at Butakovka with Dannhausers from South Africa.

Sledding at school with Canadian, Kazakh and American friends.