Iowa Martins in Albania

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Pumpkin seeds day 1, 2, 3, 4

 Pumpkings growing. On day 1, the little stem is poking up.

Day 2, the stem is longer.
Day 3, I think it is a root I saw; not a stem.  The root has grown.
Day 4.  Wow, look at that!  The roots are wild and the stem AND leaf are shooting out.

The coolest idea is that all of this is going on underground with each seed!  And the cool are they?  Seeds can sit in an envelope, on a shelf, in a jar--wherever...for YEARS. Then, when they get into the right environment--wet and warm...the plant bursts out of its container.  So cool.

The kitties are lounging comfortably among the pumpkins and tomatoes.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

garden kitties

I've been planting a friend's garden with pumpkins, tomatos, cucumbers, and peppers.  This man let me borrow his car while mine was in the shop.  I love visiting the kitties.